Need for speed hot pursuit 2010 soundtrack
Need for speed hot pursuit 2010 soundtrack

need for speed hot pursuit 2010 soundtrack

Sure, the missions at the beginning of Hot Pursuit 2 are easy, but watch out for some of the missions after halfway through.The Most Wanted: All the Hot Pursuit titles have the racers being chased by the police and having as objective not just win the races, also avoid getting caught by the cops.The last racer event in Rivals is just like this, but adds cops into the mix. Tends to be a Curb-Stomp Battle against you if you make too many mistakes. The Seacrest Tour in Hot Pursuit (2010): a 43-mile, roughly 15-minute race across almost the entirety of the virtual county you've been burning rubber on throughout the game.You have to finish first in the tournament to unlock the next event, but fortunately, you can restart individual races without having to start the whole tournament over again. Event 29 in Hot Pursuit 2's Ultimate Racer mode is an 8-race tournament, with 3 laps per race.Event 30 of Championship mode in the Black Box release of Hot Pursuit 2: Ten laps on Palm City Island.In the latter case, it seems that completely trashing the carbotanium body of a Pagani Zonda Cinque Roadster simply means that the racer was issued with a ticket, judging by the dialogue in SCPD events. In III: Hot Pursuit's case, you get as many chances as there are laps in a Hot Pursuit Race, and the first time being pulled over will have the cop simply urge you to watch your speed or "pretend your accelerator was stuck". Death Is a Slap on the Wrist: Or rather, Getting Arrested is a Slap on the Wrist: This seems to be the case in-universe for both III: Hot Pursuit and Hot Pursuit (2010) where being stopped means a simple speeding ticket and fine.The 2010 game is this to the fairly legal Shift and the wacky Nitro.III is this to II, brought back police pursuits and turned the exotic car street racing into a serious Blood Sport.Additionally, they all feature a racer being chased by a cop on their covers. Call-Back: All of the Hot Pursuit titles have a Lamborghini on the cover.The Lamborghini Diablo SV (which first appeared in III: Hot Pursuit) followed a similar pattern to the aforementioned F1, but it returned much later, in DLC packs for Hot Pursuit (2010).The McLaren F1, which first appeared in Need for Speed II, missed two games (not counting the Porsche-exclusive Porsche Unleashed) until returning in Hot Pursuit 2.The Lamborghini Diablo SV made its franchise (and arguably video game) debut in this game.


note In the form of, what else, free add-on cars the game did not support any more tracks beyond the nine standard tracks in-game due to hard limits (which also applied to the cars).


Also, the PC version was the first NFS that was easily modded with add-on cars, as well as the first to have official Downloadable Content. Both versions, however, add in the option for players to fine-tune their cars' performance and repaint their cars to unique colors. The PC version provided the option to play as the police and catch speeders, while PS1 had unique secret tracks that could only be unlocked using cheat codes. III: Hot Pursuit, as its name implies, is the third overall game in the Need for Speed franchise, and it reintroduced the police chases from the first game and improved the AI system, now utilizing several tactics to stop both the player and opponent, thus making the exotic car street racing more of a Blood Sport compared to previous two titles, with each racer having different driving habits. Also, unlike what later titles in the franchise would be famous for, none of these games feature any plot. The first two games in particular would come to represent the identity of what's considered to be the first era of the Need for Speed franchise, that is, racing exotic cars in various scenic tracks while being chased by the cops. It consists of Need for Speed III: Hot Pursuit (1998), Need for Speed: Hot Pursuit 2 (2002), Need for Speed: Hot Pursuit (2010), and the latter's remaster, Need for Speed: Hot Pursuit Remastered (2020).

need for speed hot pursuit 2010 soundtrack

Need for Speed: Hot Pursuit is a sub-series of Electronic Arts' Need for Speed franchise.

Need for speed hot pursuit 2010 soundtrack